giovedì 15 novembre 2007

Dr Sketchy

I'm going to this different life drawing which is called Dr. Sketchy, Anti-art school. The model is dressed up as a cabaret dancer, a character from old movies or comix etc...
I find it much more interesting of each other life drawing session I've done before (well, the onlyone is the one in Berry, see my old posts). If you're not from Montreal you might find a Dr sketchy in your own town, I invite you warmly to go. You will enjoy it.

sabato 29 settembre 2007

Tribal girl

So, I think thisone need an explanation or people will fly with their minds ;-)

I went to Bjork concert on september 21.
In the last album she has this colorful make-up like a circus juggler. Also, in the concert, her and her band had make-up and costumes.
So, this girl with tattoes, is thought as a scenograpy concept that I had during that concert.

sabato 15 settembre 2007

Falling stars and whales

wip for canvans, when I'll get a little of time. Inspired by the trip in tradoussac on august 10th.

domenica 9 settembre 2007

giovedì 16 agosto 2007

Altri schizzi

Approved by my italian
friends :D

Questo invece e' per la
catena dei pirati

Una sensazione tramutata in immagine. No, non e' frutto di uno stato alterato!

domenica 29 luglio 2007

Signs and refounded peace

There wouldn't be a today as the one that i know without this event's puzzle perfectly solved and incredibles coincidences that i couldn't ignore.

martedì 29 maggio 2007


Today Joel showed me some artist's paints that inspired me for the color mood

domenica 6 maggio 2007

Last month

La Phimo e la Vale che ci portano le pizze! Yummm!
Segni della mia golosita'
Appena arrivata mi sono comprata la famosa macchina del gelato :p

Per chi mi ha fatto notare il modo colorito in cui mangio ;)

Cheese! Me and Kerry

Juliette and me in the metro.

martedì 3 aprile 2007

Varius Comix




watercolor and background in photoshop

for the contest "draw your Witch". watercolor

School works

Color pencils



color pencils

stabilo lay-out, color pencils and acrilique paint

I've got time to waste at work and some pic saved on the server....

domenica 18 marzo 2007


Some sketch that
I did during life
drawing, when i
fall into my world.
The main
character, this
ghost, is a
figure that maybe
won't never be
developed 'cause
linked to a mood
and memories which
I don't want to live
again in my mind.

mercoledì 14 marzo 2007


Vecchi vecchi, dai 10 ai 7 anni fa

Alessandro e Alessia

Manuela e Claudia

Riccardo e Lorenzo
Debora e Chirlo