sabato 28 novembre 2009

Visiting Ontario

Summer and Fall are been good chances to make some traveling around Toronto and further in the province of Ontario. For any Photo you can go on my Flickr account on Toronto and Ontario's collections.

So, in July: the lams at the Big Apple in Colborne (where you can buy and taste amazing apple pies), along the path to see the 1000 Islands (near Kingsdom)
In September we went to the National Park Awenda, 3 hours north of Toronto, quite beautiful site.

In the end of September we made a Winery tour in the Niagara reagion.

Then in October we went to do some pumpkin/fruits picking just outside of the city. Later in October we went to check the colorsof the trees in High Park, as Canada is famous for this in fall season.
Durante quest'estate ho visitato diversi posti nella citta' di Toronto e nella regione Ontario. In ordine, a Luglio siamo andati alle 1000 Isole e ci siamo fermati alla Big Apple di Colborne. Poi in settember siamo andati al parco Awenda e a fare un tour delle agricolture vinicole della regione del Niagara. In ottobre siamo andati nella periferia di Toronto a raccogliere zucche e altri vegetali, e poi abbiamo fato un giro al parco per vedere i colori dell'autunno. Per piu' foto, come sempre il link a Flickr e' disponibile.

domenica 11 ottobre 2009

Iron Giant Project

The project has been completed and many pieces are now exposed to the Labyrinth comic store on Bloor st. in Toronto, until the end of November. My piece actually sucks in comparison with these others that participated, so I invite you to go and see some real kick ass work on the blog!

Finally, after few versions (I deleted a couple from here) I re-layout everything in order to fit better the message and the style.
For who can't make a connection from it, is an elaboration of the short animated film that the kids watch at school, abut how getting safe in case of nuclear event. The cartoon is in bw, as the first version I made.

Il progetto si e' concluso pochi giorni fa. Si tratta di un tributo al film "I gigante di ferro" in occasione del suo decimo anniversario.
Se siete interessati, i vostri lavori verranno comunque esposti in linea. Vedere il link di sopra per maggiori informazioni.
La versione a colori e' quella che ho consegnato alla fine. E' un' elaborazione del filmato in bianco e nero che i bambini guardano a scuola, riguardo a come mettersi in salvo nel caso di attacco nucleare.

martedì 6 ottobre 2009

Dr Sketchy Toronto - part 2

I've joined more often Dr Sketchy in Toronto in the last period and lately some new colleague have joined it as well and they find it really amusement. Here some of them, but I'd like to re-direct who is interested in seeing more to my Flickr page.

Ho partecipato piu' spesso a Dr sketchy Torono ultimamente e inoltre qualche collega si sta interessando grazie a delle esperienze piuttosto divertenti. Qui posto qualche disegno, ma vorrei ri-dirigere coloro che sono interessati a vedere di piu' sulla mia pagina in Flickr.

giovedì 17 settembre 2009

Il Professore

This is my Typography teacher in High School. Well, he didn't have purplish hair, but a photo on Facebook that over 30 of his students enjoyed to elaborate. So did I ;-)

Questo e' il mio professore di Tipografia ai tempi dele superiori. Beh, non che avesse i capelli violacei, ma ha una foto su Facebook che piu di 30 dei suoi studenti si sono divertiti ad elaborare. E cosi' ho fatto anch'io ;-)

martedì 8 settembre 2009

Skechcrawl per il mondo

Here some pictures from the one of June 2009, but I'm ready for the next one on September 19th. I see that there are not so many info about it in Italian, so for who can read English, I send you directly to the website and I wish you to have fun!

Che cos'e' lo Sketchcrawl?

lo Sketchcrawl e' un ritrovo di persone che disegnano i vari angoli della citta in cui ti trovi (se quel giorno sei a Firenze puoi metterti d'accordo con i Fiorentini ad esempio) disegnando qualsiasi cosa che tu voglia con la tecnica che preferisci, spostandosi insieme per riprodurre piu' aree (per questo alcuni la chiamano "Maratona di disegno").
L’idea è nata da Enrico Casarosa, genovese, residente a San Francisco, storyboard artist della Pixar dove ha collaborato anche nel recente Ratatouille e Up.
La gente che si aggrega puo' parteciparvi per tutta la giornata o solo per il tempo che si ha a disposizione. Se nessuno si aggrega alla citta' in cui sei, ed hai comunque provato a contattare altra gente (sul Forum) puoi andare cmq da solo/a o con i tuoi figli ed otterrai in realta' molti piu' disegni che seguendo un gruppo. In pratica non si svolge in tutte le citta'del mondo, non e' una cosa organizata da enti o comuni, ma dalle persone che si interessano: per questo c'e' un Forum, cosi' persone come te possono comunicare con chiunque voglia partecipare, anche chi non conosci (ancora).
Tu stesso puoi lanciare la prima pietra, ad esempio se sei di Milano, scrivere qualcosa come "allora, Suggerisco di trovarsi alle 10.30 sulle gradinate del Duomo e proseguiamo da li con la Galleria e poi andando in direzione di Castello Sforzesco".
Il secondo scopo del Forum e', alla fine della giornata o quanto prima riesci, pubblicare i disegni che hai fatto e guarare cos'hanno fatto gi altri da tutto il mondo e condividere assieme quello che e' saltato fuori, scoprire nuovi artisti o nuovi stili e trarne ispirazione.
Qui un esempio di cosa e' stato fatto a Roma durante lo scorso Sketchcrawl, in Giuno.
Spero che ora sia piu' chiaro.
Buon Skethcrawl a tutti!

mercoledì 10 giugno 2009

Subway Sketching Toronto

I'm here since 4 month already. I didn't post so much.Yeah, lots of changes, and not a sketching group to join over here. Well, I went subway sketching with Bobby Chu a couple of times, but it happen to be at the same time I have to call my parents in italy... Can't do that in the metro...

......... Then I took the sketchbook with me and did anyway sketches any time I didn't had something to read (what I like of having to travel is actually having time for reading)

Torontonian are really interesting, in 4 square meters there must be 4 different races and many more ranges of age. Well, that is a selection (bad photo comp, yes, I still have to unpack the wacom) and as usual I am not good to be picky about the choice...

sabato 6 giugno 2009

Drawing Day 2009

I went to the beaches of Toronto today to see what I could draw in occasion of the Drawing Day. I found a very nice spot on rocks full of cegauls and some canadian goose. The weather was wonderful and I think I'll enjoy this place more often from now on.

lunedì 16 marzo 2009

Dr Sketchy Toronto

Here I am, after living in Montreal for 3 years and then in Vancouver for 10 months, I have moved once again. This time im in Toronto, this time for work. Not for love like last time, but hopefully Kym will come here as soon as there will be the chance. Till then I'm here on my own, but I have a few good friends here already, that helped me to get introduced to the town and things.
Little Italy might not be as good as in Montreal and Vancouver, and Canada here looks less Canada and more America, while some other things stay the same, just with new people...
I didn't waste too much time. I found Dr Sketchy and some other arty entertainment... but we go with one thing at the time...
I've already talked about this "Dr Sketchy" many times over in my blog, and already spoke about the Cameron House about a year ago. But this time I could go to the theatre in the back of the pub, and enjoy the drawing session it with my friend Adele.
The model was dressing something indescribable, but definitely funny. Adele wanted to steal the pink disguise.
The only a negative thing was in the middle of the show. Because of a disturbing scary mask on a mermaid. I'm really impressionable.
The Cameron House, in the front pub, was exposing Buttons painted and with feathers, hanged on the walls.
Well, this is Toronto. People are slightly more crazy, I guess.
It will be fun.

sabato 31 gennaio 2009

Theme of the day: Sunny on an Elephant on his wedding Day

Jonathan and Jimmy thought to start to draw with a theme at the VSG.
As that was decided at the moment and we didn't get any internet/ magazine to check Indian style, there might be several cultural mistakes. Hope anyway Sunny will laugh watching this :P

venerdì 30 gennaio 2009

Good-bye my friends

Have been a big sketch group on Saturday 24.
Few things happening to us!

Tyler and Andrew are going to a cool concept design school in LA, Edison is gonna spend February working in Seattle, Sunny is missing lately because getting married, while I'll leave soon for Toronto.
I made then the sketch of the ppl that joined the group today (new entry of the day, Adele) and collected some funny drawing-souvenir from the guys.

For those that are still there outside saying that Vancouver is death about art, wake up! These people are trying to organize weekly events in order to share stories, ideas, styles, etc... while doing art (for example at the Studio 221).
Well, I did my propaganda for the day, I can go to sleep now :)

sabato 24 gennaio 2009

Travel in Italy - Christmas 2008

For X-Mas, before leaving from Vancouver, I've got a nice small sketching album from a friend.
It was a perfect idea as this time, my holidays in Italy, has been filled by some day spent traveling in few of the most beautiful Italian cities (Kym's 1st time in Italy deserved it).
Rome is missing (a part the restaurant) and one Venice picture is incomplete in my book, as I didn't have always time to stop and make my drawings. Anyway, I'm pretty happy I could those.
I didn't take any picture, as Kym have an amazing new camera, and hopefully soon he will have something on our Flickr account....

Some photos of when I was drawing in Venezia here and here

domenica 11 gennaio 2009

21th Sketch Crawl - Vancouver

-->Back from Holidays! Well, I had fun so for once I was not looking forward to come back. Kym and I had good time visiting Italy, eating good food and spending time with family and friends. Unluckily my home area was hit by bad weather conditions and then we had more snow than usual (the usual is none).
I’ll post some draw I did during my travel very soon ;)

Anyway, back to Vancouver and to my art activities, there was the 21st Sketch crawl on January 10th, right the day after I come back. I tried to organize as well the one for Parma, posting fliers in many places, but I still don't know of the results :S
Not as many people as last time, mostly because of bad rainy/snowy day, but we had the pleasure to get to know Shawn and Jim. Hope to see some post of them on the sketch crawl forum, they’re both really talented. Might be that Sundeep will post some photo too, but I have to understand in which of the thousand websites linked to the Vancouver Sketch group :D