giovedì 22 dicembre 2011

Tim Burton Exibition

Argh, I was almost forgetting about this one! The show was really cool with all the maquettes and sketches and letters and videos... So entertaining! If happen you get the show in your town, GO! Here some of the original art.

Dr Sketchy Toronto was back! (and then gone again)

 I couldn't join it for long as I had all my relatives visiting right during the 2 month of summer when Dr Sketchy Toronto re-open doors for the last time. It's surely missed and I hope somebody else will be that committed to restart it as it bring so much life to the Toronto's art venue. More pictures on my Flickr album of Dr Sketchy.
If you're interested of other lifedrawing dressed class in Toronto you can join their Facebook page as the Toronto Cartoonist workshop organize something similar.

Observational sketches

Yes, I neglected my blog, but it really takes lots of time getting these pictures from my albums to this page. Anyhow, for who though I stopped drawing, I can ensure I'm still crazy sketcher and still enjoy make use of my watercolors and pencils. Other pictures from my travels are loaded on my Flickr page, mainly in the travel and portrait sections..

Recipes illustrated from varius Nonne (and Mamma)

Yes, I do like cooking and I do like to learn traditional recipes even more now that I live in Canada.
 Most of the times that I go to visit my family I ask for some recipes so that I'll be able to do them later when I'm hosting people for dinners.
In order, we have Grape pudding (sugo d'uva) from my Nonna Albertina, Gnocco Fritto from Simona's nonna, Lasagne Verdi from my Nonna Anna, and Spaghetti with Sardine from my Mum.

Going for museums

For who doesn't know yet, at the end of October I become Canadian! And now it comes with a treat: a card offer from the Institute of Citizenship that allows to go for most of Canadian museum and parks for FREE for 1 year. This is the best gift ever! As you can see I already started to make good use of my citizenship :-)

sabato 17 dicembre 2011

Canadian animal deformed

I had in mind this Canadian animal project and so I'm putting down some design for further developing. I think this come out with a really aboriginal feeling.

giovedì 29 settembre 2011

Auguri Mamma

Ecco il regalo per mia mamma, sperando che indossando questo ciondolo possa ricevere un sacco di auguri da tutti i suoi clienti.

Here a gift for my mum, hoping she'll get lots of wishes on her birthday.

lunedì 12 settembre 2011


Our friend Alex left today to go to Montreal, so I did a funny card for the people of Movie Night crew. It come out better than I hoped!

Funny animal beanies and other crafty stuffs

 Last winter, with my friend Annie, we did 6 beanies for Christmas gifts. Our friends were enthusiast. Other friends told us we should have make more and sell them. 
Annie is great figuring out the pattern for realizing my ideas. We simplified some old design, and made some new one. And now...our beanies have PAWS and WINGS!
Getting something from a design to a real wearable hat is really fun.
Unfortunately we didn't find anybody that would buy them, so we now have a lot of new gifts right now for family and ourselves.
Annie got really enthusiast and with her friend Pam does also some mini hat, rings, magnets and now I am starting with some sculpty modeling for pins and whatnot as well. For updates you can check here the beanies and the magnets/pins

sabato 9 aprile 2011

Dr Sketchy Sydney - Feb 1 2011

I have a bad news for all Torontonians, Dr Sketchy Toronto is done. I hope some new intrepid person will set up a new session, as left shocked many artists in town.
During my stay in Sydney I participate to the Dr Sketchy over there. The models were gougers, and was about the Día de los Muertos, a mexican festivity about death.
The venue can guest around 50 people, can serve food and they always have 2 models staging. The only couple of things I didn't enjoy very much were the absence of usual contest (about the models, best drawing or integration with something) and the fact that out of the 3 hours we only could draw for half of the time, as there were too many 20 minutes breaks. I think it's more a "chatting- eat-drink-draw" than a sketchers passionate with unusual models meeting. Also, the location require a nice dressing code, which sort of crush with the casual canadian style I'm used to.
If you're interested in seeing also the other sketches done that evening, they're on my Fliker page (CLICK).