In the last few weeks I started adding lots of color to my watercolors. it's a mix of coincidence and learning. at Work (Guru Studio) we occasionally have internal masterclasses, where we can teach something we're master of, to our colleagues. That time was the turn of Marco Bucci, who told us in one lesson his coloring portrait process, and in the following lesson we had 1h to do the job ourselves. But oh! I forgot to bring paints. the only things I had at my desk were crayola pastels and my sketchbook. So well, I went anyways. He said something like "when light are warm, shadows are cold, so I add here a bit of purple..." I couldn't mix colors. Crayola don't admit much of mixing and half tones, so... I just added the colors as they were. More yellow where the light hit, more purple and blue and green in the shadows... it come out a beautiful rainbowny effect. so I liked it and I try to apply the same effect to my watercolors and digital paintings as well. I have to say I enjoy my artwork much more now. Try to believe!